
I'm on the hunt for a Lucite coffee table and I ran across the one above on the CB2 web site. It's not exactly what I'm dreaming of, but for about $250 plus 10% for shipping, I might be able to make do.

And while there, I decided to search for "Lucite" and see what else cropped up and I found all kinds of great stuff! The console table, easel and tray are all also crave-worthy. In moderation, of course. My more traditionally-styled home could only handle one acrylic piece of furniture, but if you are searching for such a piece, CB2 might be worth a look.

Do you like the idea of integrating an acrylic table into a more traditional room? My den, the room where this coffee table would call home, is on the small side and so I like the idea of a transparent piece of furniture. I also fancy the idea of changing up what's underneath it... stacks and stacks of coffee table and design books, a beat up Louis Vuitton suitcase... my mind goes on forever. But what are your thoughts?


Anonymous said…
We love lucite! It is so chic as a coffee table and is also great in small accessories. We have vintage lucite accessories all around our home.
Hope you find a table that you love.
Thanks for sharing.
xo E + J