eBay today - taxidermy

I know that the word "taxidermy" can conjure up creepy images for some, but (in moderation) taxidermy can be a great design element. It doesn't have to mean too many deer heads and knotty pine walls.

I love the idea of a collection of three or five framed beetles, like the one above, in a little boy's room. And I actually like the knotty pine frame on this little guy. I think it looks really modern and adds to the organic design.

The vintage pheasant makes a great Thanksgiving centerpiece. In fact, I just bought one at a local antique mall for $25 and am planning on using it for just that.

Finally, could you use the creepy bird skull at Halloween as a decoration? Done properly, I think it could work. I might just put it on top of a stack of books on a coffee table. I think Martha used a lot of taxidermy one year in ar Halloween issue, but I can't say for certain.

Right now, eBay has over 3,800 listings for mounted animals, antlers, fish, skeletons, insects and spiders. I've narrowed the search down for you here.


Heather said…
OHH! I like the ideas! Thanks!
Geo said…
I think my recent flu bug must have looked something like that top photo. What a pinch! (I'm alive. I'm back. Thanks for checking on me.)