eBay today - candelabra that pop

I love these two reader rooms featured at Domino magazine. Who wouldn't want to mingle at a gathering at either of these homes? The things I love about both rooms are the chocolate walls and the candelabra that pops. The candelabra posted on eBay right now might not be enough of a contrast to really jump out, but the pair are really amazing, aren't they?

I think the thing to emphasize is that the star of a room doesn't have to be pricey furnishings. In the case of these two rooms, it's a gallon of paint that really wows along with a few key accessories. Each of these two looks can be carried off on a budget and still look grand and both have elements of traditional and funky, making shopping a lot easier (read: cheaper) to pull off.

It's the same with events. A huge matched set of china and silver don't have to be what makes your party shine. Thrifty staples paired with grand accessories win the day every time.


Mary-Laure said…
The top picture is so pretty! As you know, I have become obsessed with flowers...

BTW, I really like your blog's new name, it's adorable.
Pigtown*Design said…
I need to spend more time on ebay!
Geo said…
Here is a purchase I'd dearly love to make. Alas, my ceiling's not quite high enough to make a chandelier work. But the pair of candelabras are inspiring.