Eclectic Elements?

I'm thinking of changing my thrust a bit. How do you like "Eclectic Elements" as opposed to "Eclectic Entertaining"? I find myself posting about decorating, shopping, etc a little more than I thought. I'll still focus a lot on the entertaining, but the "elements" lets me cast a wider net.

I am also considering an "on eBay today" feature. My very first post was an eBay item and I might see if I can post a daily eBay item I like... it could be anything. What do you think?
So I need to hear from my few loyal readers. Post your thoughts.

(Thanks Mary-Laure for the inspiration to find this dear clip art from It fits with my theme of considering a revision and also fits with my love of old things.)


Geo said…
Works for me. You have good instincts.
Mary-Laure said…
Thanks for the shout!
Eclectic Elements: I think it would be a great idea. There is so much wonderful stuff on sites like ebay or etsy, but I just don't have the talent to sift through all the junk, so it would be fabulous if you shared some of your finds!
I can't wait to see more...
Laura in Paris said…
Hello Laura,
Thank you for your recipe. Sounds delicious, a tasty winter garden, I'd say. It will appear in the March Newsletter of A World in a Pan.
Love you blog,