eBay today - antique frames

I love antique frames. They have so much character. I have a wonderful old family portrait from the mid-1800's hanging in my home. It's of a distant aunt, Maggie Watt. Her painting is nice, but half of why I love it so much is the frame. Pieces of the gesso have chipped off. The frame is clearly original. Maggie just wouldn't look the same if I put her in a modern frame... even a pricey one that was really beautiful.

You can find tons of great old frames on eBay like the ones here, here and here.

I am currently looking for a frame to serve as a message board in my kitchen. I want to paint the back with chalkboard paint. I have a great spot for it. I check every booth in every antique mall I go into.

Another great use for antique frames is to reframe modern art in them. You have to be careful with measurements and you don't want to cut some pieces of art, but with a French mat, one of these beauties could really live again.


Geo said…
I love old frames too. I am currently planning a project for a big one in my very small collection: cut some homosote to fit in the frame, cover the homosote with linen or some other pretty fabric, then get some glass-top straight pins, and make myself a spot for hanging necklaces and jewelry. I've been hunting for a pretty jewelry box for ages, but now I think I'll do this instead.
Pigtown*Design said…
I should take a picture of the frame i have above my workspace. I did what Geo said but covered it in burlap. It's an elaborate gold gesso frame, so it needed something simple.
I love, love, love both of those ideas. So clever.
Geo said…
Ooooooo!!!! Burlap! That's brilliant, and I HAVE burlap. Perfect, perfect, perfect . . . !