kitchen updates

Well, as I might have mentioned, I'm remodeling my kitchen. (I'll post a few pics when I complete the project.) And purchasing all those fancy KitchenAid appliances and other stuff compelled me to want to polish up some of my other kitchen goods.

I know, I know. The Dualit toaster is a splurge, but I couldn't help it. I've longed for one for so long and it looks so beautiful aside my new appliances.

The French press and the stovetop cappuccino maker were gifts to my sweet husband for his birthday today.

Finally, a swing through Anthropologie led me to my final two purchases. I found big white cups for my morning coffee and juice glasses which are no longer available online.

It looks like I was going for a breakfast-y theme, now that I look at it all. Perhaps that's because I have a breakfast bar in my new kitchen. A little sprucing up has been long overdue for me, though, so I bought things I'll really love for years to come.


Laura in Paris said…
I use a French press like your every morning to make my coffee!