huge funky horse a la Nathan from Top Design

Am I the only one who watches Top Design? I love it! I'm so sorry to see Andrea go, but I totally understand where she's coming from. As a wife and mother, I don't know if I could leave my husband and children for that long. I hope she was inspired by her experience and can integrate her love of design into her life a home.

I was totally in love with Nathan's room this past week! His concept was a bratty girl's bedroom. The big horse reminded me of her once little-girly rocking horse on steroids. And when I ran across this big horse on eBay, I thought someone looking for one might want to have him for their own bratty girl's room! This one is canvas and is not as abstract as Nathan's, unfortunately, but it could fit the bill. I think I would either leave the canvas unpainted or else I would paint it hot pink or some other crazy color. A realistic paint job would seem weird (as if a 7 foot tall horse of plain canvas isn't!).


Pigtown*Design said…
i don't have cable, but have been watching it on youtube. i think that bravo's wiped all of the eps out... i can't find any!