I'm still here!

And I'm cheating on my post today. I'm going to link two posts I admire from two of my favorite bloggers. Why try to find something creative and wonderful when they have done it for me already?

Anyway, for my three readers, you might be wondering where I've been the last week and a half. Well, my oldest son went to camp for the first time! I can't believe I have a child old enough to go to "sleep-away" camp! He was gone for 10 days to Alpine Camp for Boys in Mentone, Alabama. During that time, I taught VBS (it wore me out!) and spent my computer time on the Alpine website looking for photos and updates on my boy. You see, they have this great password protected system called Campminder. The program uploads pictures daily and has a diary about what the boys are doing. So basically I spent the last ten days missing him and logging onto the site endlessly to look for him.

Anyway, he's back and so am I. Post more comments when you can. The feedback helps.

So check out these posts from Pigtown Design and The Peak of Chic. The photos are a teaser. You'll have to link the post to find out what they wrote about.


Geo said…
VBS? Bravo for you! That's a labor of love, for sure.

Pigtown's photo of the farmers' market is gorgeous. It reminded me of being in Portland last October and literally crying tears of joy when we found the downtown farmers' market. That's how strongly I feel about incredible mushrooms and the like! nothing quite as beautiful as God's delicious handiwork.
Pigtown*Design said…
Ah shucks! I took a bunch of pix at the farmers' market this morning. It's still too early here in the mid-Atlantic to have much locally-grown produce, but there were loads of great-looking radishes, lettuces and flowers!
Pigtown*Design said…
Hey EE! I just posted pix of the farmers' market from this morning on my foodie blog.
I've been gone too, so glad we're all back and accounted for!