eBay today - tape measures

I'm willing to bet there are a lot of you out there that are a lot like me. Our styles might be different, but if you blog, or frequent blogs, then you probably care a lot about all the little details that go into designing a home, event or outfit.

If you are like me, you probably carry a tape measure around with you at all times. I shop all kinds of different places and I need to be able to quickly measure some cool chargers found at a tag sale or find out if an antique store chandelier can fit in a room with ceilings the height of mine.

So I take my trusty little tape measure along. The one I use is a vintage advertising tape measure for a bank in Mississippi. I found it among my great-aunt's personal things. It's OK and has served me well, but I would really love one of the tape measures like the ones found here, here, here and here.
