Some say preppy is back - I say it never went away!

"Wake up, Muffy. We're back."

If you came of age in the 80's, like I did, you remember the Official Preppy Handbook. Everyone pored over Lisa Birnbach's tome that was an homage to all things preppy.

And now, thirty years later, she's come out with a follow-up. True Prep: It's a Whole New World will be released September 7 and I've already pre-ordered mine.

Ever since the unfortunate 90's fashion era, I've noted a gradual resurgence in the lady-like, sweet style I'm so fond of. I never left preppy (well, sadly, I probably deviated some during the aforementioned bleak 90's), but it seems like it took everyone else a while to remember it. It takes me back to a youth of grosgrain ribbon everything and monogrammed reversible Bermuda bags. I might have to order the eyelet one above.

And Tretorns? I probably had at least 6 different colors the summer of 1981. Thankfully, Zappos is selling them, saving them from the ash heap of fashion history.

And thank goodness for my local J. McLaughlin store. I can go in there and get my prep fix any time.
