Florence Broadhurst - wallpaper and fabric genius

I am absolutely in love with Florence Broadhurst wallpapers. The Australian designer's work was very chic and still has appeal despite the fact that there is definitely a 70's vibe to a lot of her work. Her colorways were totally mindblowing and are so fresh. I am considering investing in wallpaper for my closet. It's not a large space, but it has a window and would look great wallpapered. What do you think?

My style definitely tends to run a bit more toward the tradish, but the closet is an area where you can do something different. It's a private space and you can branch out and do something that makes you happy.


Laura in Paris said…
Mmmmm, I'm not sure I like wal paper, but the prints in the pictures look beautiful.
You know, even if you don't want to wallpaper a whole wall, you could frame a piece of great wallpaper for unique art. It's a great way to use a found vintage scrap or to have a really expensive wallpaper that's price prohibitive for a whole room