I'm cheating!

Whever I get back from vacation, I always cheat on my blog posts and just crib off of someone else's hard work. I love these needlepoint pillows I found on the Domino blog. I have two card needlepoint pillows in my play room (get it? games, toys, cards... card pillows!) and I would love to have more. I am totally nuts for needlepoint. I'm currently looking for one of the needlepoint covered bricks that you find used as doorstops in old Southern homes.


Laura in Paris said…
THank you for showing us this wonderful pieces - makeing others discover something is not so much about cheating, is it? I love the one with the fish.
Pigtown*Design said…
I'd forgotten about needlepoint bricks! There is a great Jonathan Adler pillow that is needlepointed grosgrain belts.