
Well, I'm taking the plunge. I'm diving into the world of blogging. I've been going back and forth for weeks about whether or not I should start a blog and I just thought, "why not?"

I have titled my blog Eclectic Entertaining and I've been thinking about this topic for a while. I have no artistic or design training, but I love design, entertaining and cooking and I've always thought of them as all going together. After all, when I have a party, I want my food to be great and my house to look fabulous. It's not good enough to simply have the right invitations. When I have friends into my home, I want to offer them the best quality provisions, a unique event and a lovely environment.

As for my own aesthetic, nothing much is off limits. I shop new and old, cheap and expensive ... but mostly cheap. I'm a thirty-something stay-at-home mom of two young boys, so budget is an issue.... but you do have to know when to splurge. Mainly, I believe in finding moderation in one's life. I hate to go to a party at the home of an acquaintance only to find that everything is from a box - furniture, wine glasses, napkins, little quiches (you know the ones), everything. Conversely, nobody enjoys being around the snob who thinks antiquities are the only way to go. Just because something is old, doesn't mean it's the end-all and be-all. They made a lot of junk and ugly stuff 100 years ago also.

So I'll be posting my discoveries and observations about decorating, antiques, fads, holidays, manners, style, entertaining and recipes. I'll also post links to other blogs and web sites of places I love to visit along with photos I take on my shopping travels. I take a camera everywhere with me and I frequently take photos of things I covet, even if I can't afford them.

And don't you just love the tureen above? I just found it on eBay and am considering buying it for myself for Christmas. Old Paris porcelain is a current fascination of mine and I love picking up inexpensive stray pieces. This tureen is actually a steal at $150. Can't you picture it at Easter lunch filled with asparagus bisque? I have a recipe for asparagus bisque somewhere. I'll post it soon.
